19:00 Wednesday 9 May 2018
Playground Theatre
Latimer Industrial Estate, Latimer Rd, London W10 6RQ

Listenpony Sessions: George Xiaoyuan Fu
28 May 2021
Recording available digitally
Our tour took us to Centrala in Birmingham, the International Anthony Burgess Foundation in Manchester, and eventually to the Playground Theatre in London. Our London concert was set amongst sculptor Josie Spencer's exhibition Murmuration, with pianist George Fu, baroque ensemble La Vaghezza, and singer-wongwriter Elena Tonra.
The tour featured brand new music from Freya Waley-Cohen, William Marsey, Josephine Stephenson and the 3 composers selected from our recent call for scores, Joanna Ward, Robin Richards and Daniel Fardon; old music by Fontana, Castello, Bach, Rachmaninoff and Liszt. The different points on the tour had performances from Cinema, Aldous RH, and Elena Tonra.
George Fu georgefupiano.com
La Vaghezza facebook.com
Cinema (Birmingham only) twitter.com/cinematheband
Aldous RH (Manchester only) facebook.com/AldousRH
Elena Tonra (London only) facebook.com
Joanna Ward joannamward.com
Robin Richards robinrichards.co.uk
Daniel Fardon danielfardon.com
Josie Spencer josiespencer.com
More on the new music from this event:
- William Marsey: A Lady At Her Toilet
- Josephine Stephenson: Fallow
- Joanna Ward: in connection with
- Daniel Fardon: Preludes
- Robin Richards: Rebellion
Listenpony: On Tour
Listenpony commission: Preludes by Daniel Fardon
Listenpony commission: A Lady At Her Toilet by William Marsey
Listenpony commission: Rebellion by Robin Richards
Listenpony commission: in connection with by Joanna Ward